I read Saint John Paul the Great and His Five Loves by Jason Evert. Throughout the winter break, I found myself longing more and more to know about this saint my new friends, who I met at that Newman, had been raving about. Little did I know that a couple of weeks later, I would fall fast and madly in love with a saint who I believe to be an amazing example of both hope and joy. But having to think about who my favorite saint is was not only proving to be difficult but also slightly intimidating. “What’s your major, where are you from, who’s your favorite saint?” The first two were simple to answer, no thoughts required. I was fresh-faced and new, which meant I was surrounded by warm and exciting people all wanting to learn more about me. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center.

It’s the end of the Fall semester of 2018, and I suddenly find myself within the walls of what I now know as the lounge of St. One of the greatest saints of our time was the first to encounter me amidst some of my deepest and darkest days, offering a steady prayer and hope for the new ways the Lord was preparing to stretch me.

John Paul the Great, we’ve all heard about him, or at least the name sounds familiar.